See the list of academic institutions that collude with the weapons, biotech, and medical industries to enslave humanity

The system. The machine. The man. The powers that be. Whatever you choose to call the hidden power structure that pulls many of the strings in our country and world, its function is still the same: to enslave the people of our planet with agenda-driven propaganda, fake fiat currencies, endless war, toxins and disease, chemical medicine and biotechnology, and various other mechanisms of nefarious control that, for all intents and purposes, ultimately lead to misery and death.

But who or what are the entities behind all this destruction, and is there anything we can do to stop them? Exposing them is the first step. The following 10 institutions represent some of the most influential players in the compartmentalized system of warfare that continues to be waged against free humanity:

1) Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
This global research university is a product of the infamous industrialist and steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, whose legacy is marked by American subversion and globalism. C.M.U. churns out human assets to benefit not only the United States war machine, but also its various illegal spying and subversion apparatuses such as the National Security Agency (N.S.A.), which operates in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

It is common for C.M.U. to receive large grants from private entities to produce various technologies for the military-industrial complex, which is responsible for spreading chaos, destruction, and death throughout the world.

2) Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT)
This technical college works closely with the military’s “mad science” division known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (D.A.R.P.A.), which is essentially what produces war technology for the Pentagon. D.A.R.P.A. is responsible for developing “big data” entities like the N.S.A., as well as other advanced technologies for use in war. G.I.T. is also closely intertwined with defense contractor Northrop Grumman.

3) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
M.I.T. is widely recognized as one of the world’s most reputable technical schools, but the institute is said to be where evil technologies such as weather manipulation and “chemtrails” were first developed. So-called geoengineering and its ties to M.I.T. Are well-documented in such works as Peter Kirby’s Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

4) Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
When it comes to the reengineering of food, W.P.I. has played an integral role in the development of gene-modification techniques and biotechnology that have changed the nature of the foods we eat. W.P.I. is heavily entrenched in the pro-GMO narrative, claiming that genetically-modified organisms are completely safe and pose no risks to human health or the environment.

5) Michigan State University (MSU)
Another GMO cheerleader is M.S.U., which was exposed for accepting a government grant to develop a transgenic potato for use in Bangladesh and India. Both of these countries, and the latter in particular, have been devastated by the GMO invasion. Tens of thousands of Indian farmers have committed suicide because of failed biotechnology tools that were forced upon them by greedy multinationals like Monsanto.

6) Purdue University
A major player in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Purdue University actually claims that GMOs help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, even when the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to absolutely devastate the environment, including soils that, in an otherwise healthy state, are meant to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) and sequester to prevent so-called “global warming.”

7) The Modern War Institute.
As its name suggests, this think tank organization self-identifies as “a national resource within the Dept. of Military Instruction that studies recent and on-going conflicts.” Part of the United States Military Academy at West Point (U.S.M.A.), the Modern War Institute functions similarly to the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.), a known globalist group that pushes war to advance certain agendas, particularly in the Middle East.

8) Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (at Harvard University)
This school is another geoengineering cheerleader that works closely with the U.S. government to develop technologies that it says are meant to block out the sun and prevent climate change. In truth, what this institution is doing is developing advanced methods of producting “chemtrails” that are harming people and the planet.

9) Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech)
This hotbed of government and military activity is another D.A.R.P.A. ally that develops robots for the military-industrial complex, including so-called “humanoid” robots that are the type of thing one might imagine would possess enough artificial intelligence to take on humanity and possibly destroy it.

10) Israel Institute of Technology (Technion)
This institutional arm of Big Pharma and Big Biotech has been a major catalyst in the conversion of our natural world into a synthetic one. Its first president, Alfred Mond, was a Jewish industrialist and active Zionist who steered the school’s research focus towards chemicals and synthetics. Technion was founded at a time before the westernmost segment of the formerly Ottoman Palestine became what we now know as modern-day Israel.

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