Monsanto’s favorite propaganda rag NEWSWEEK is self destructing by the day under weight of financial FRAUD allegations and laughable “journalism”

Ever read Newsweek? If you answered ‘No,’ you’re certainly not alone.

In fact, so few people read Newsweek these days the once-formidable weekly is about to shut its doors for good, according to insiders, because it’s unable to raise enough revenue to pay reporters and continue publishing.

Oh, and there’s that raid by federal agents that took place a couple of weeks ago too that is putting a damper on things.

Yeah, it sure looks like Monsanto’s favorite news weekly is on its last legs.

As reported by Truth Revolt:

It’s just a matter of time before Newsweek shutters its doors for good. It was already close before a cult leader bought the publication and gave it new legs, but those legs were shaky, more like the National Enquirer than a serious news publication. Now, the trouble is starting back up.

In January, federal investigators swarmed the newsmagazine’s New York offices in pursuit of evidence to support allegations of fraud; in the aftermath of that raid, a number of top executives along with one reporter were suddenly fired.

Meantime, the magazine, in its online domain, is carrying out its never-ending campaign of unhinged Trump hate, “publishing click-bait articles and fake news,” Truth Revolt’s Trey Sanchez noted. “The outlet also had to distance itself from an editor of the Pakistani edition after he heralded pedophilia as a producer of great art.”

But hey, don’t you worry, the outlet’s standards are still high; in recent days the newsmagazine’s web page ran with this amazingly shocking exclusive/blockbuster: “Donald Trump’s Hair Flaps in the Wind, Revealing His Scalp.”

“OK, once you see this footage, you’ll never be able to unsee it. So, like the blue pill and the red pill in The Matrix, make your choice now. Because there’s no turning back,” the ‘story’ — which was obviously written by a junior high student, right? — began.

Just. Wow. That passes for “journalism” at Newsweek. Which might just help explain why the outlet is crashing and burning (and not soon enough).

Now, back to the failing. As Truth Revolt noted, one insider has apparently blown the whistle on the entire Newsweek operation, referring to the workplace environment as “toxic” and one that has “descended into a content farm for last-resort clickbait.” (Related: Newsweek and Washington Post attempt to cover up murders and organ harvesting by Planned Parenthood)

“Manufacturing rage for clicks is their business model, and most people in the company fear imminent layoffs,” said one whistleblower, as reported by Truth Revolt.

Another has also stepped forward and has given a lengthy account of the outlet’s mounting difficulties:

It was 3 a.m. on Saturday, and I was seething. Staring at my phone, I saw that my company, Newsweek Media Group, had put out yet another story that would require a correction if not a retraction. This time it was a story ripped from The Onion. We were treating the fake news as if it were real. OFFS, I tapped under a friend’s Facebook post after seeing it, short for Oh, For F**k’s Sake. The headline in our sister publication, the International Business Times: “Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Set Up Wedding Registry at London’s Target.” Despite the late hour, I dropped a note to an editor who took the story down off the website. You can see the link on Google, but if you click, you’ll get “Error 404. PAGE NOT FOUND.” There’s no correction, which is what a normal news company might post.

There is more, including reports of seriously fake news and really out there news — like how Hillary could still become president! “One of the most embarrassing for me as a political reporter is a story from January 2018 announcing that Hillary Clinton…could still become president ‘if Russia probe finds conspiracy evidence.’”

As bad as the magazine’s journalism is, it could always be worse, right? That federal raid, for instance.

Good-bye, Newsweek. You won’t be missed, except maybe by Monsanto.

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

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