News & Articles By Tracey Watson
By Tracey Watson
U.S. Navy to release genetically engineered organisms into the ocean, unleashing mass genetic pollution with devastating consequences
No longer content to tinker with the genetic design of crops and humans, scientists – at the behest of the U.S. Military – are now turning their attention to the world’s oceans. As reported by Defense One, the Pentagon is looking at various ways in which to genetically engineer marine microorganisms into living surveillance equipment […]
By Tracey Watson
Peer-reviewed study looks at the differences between GMO corn and its natural, non-GMO counterpart
Proponents of bioengineering and the genetic modification of crops insist that these changes improve farming, make crops more resistant to pathogens, give them a longer shelf life and enhance their nutritional profiles. They even go so far as to say that genetic modification is the future of farming and will ensure food stability for generations to […]
By Tracey Watson
Gene-editing tool, CRISPR, is a new, scary technology that can change everything we know, from our food to our bodies
In virtually every avenue of science, things are changing and growing at an alarming rate – a rate that very few of us can keep up with. From human/animal hybrids to gene editing, scientists now hold the very foundations of life in their hands. If researchers are left unchecked by the world’s regulatory bodies and […]
By Tracey Watson
Frankenstein experiments combine human and animal DNA in the name of “science”
There are not too many subjects which remain controversial in modern society. It seems like everywhere you look there is a person or group pushing for the right to do pretty much what they want. And yet, there remains one subject which is highly controversial and will elicit very strong feelings one way or the […]
By Tracey Watson
Biotech industry trying to eliminate all FDA regulation of genetically edited ranch animals by shifting authority to the USDA, which has totally sold out to Monsanto
Biotech companies that can genetically engineer farm animals to have “designer” characteristics – like cows without horns (yes, cows really are supposed to have horns) – can make a whole lot of money selling these animals to farmers. Unfortunately for them, farm animals are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which subjects these […]
By Tracey Watson
CLAIM: Human-chimpanzee hybrid “humanzee” born in Florida, killed in panic by doctors
In the world of science things can get really, really crazy, and can sometimes strain ethical boundaries almost to breaking point. Scientists have been fascinated for centuries with the concept of a human-chimpanzee hybrid – known as a humanzee – and there have been reports dating as far back as the 11th century of such […]
By Tracey Watson
Industry propaganda: New Food Evolution movie called out by experts for promoting corporate agenda, GMOs, agrichemicals
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, propaganda can be defined as “information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions.” By that definition, the movie Food Evolution is nothing more than straight-up propaganda for Big Agri companies like Monsanto and DuPont. Though […]
By Tracey Watson
Genetically modified rice from China approved by the FDA — without independent testing
The debate raging around the genetic modification of food crops is likely to heat up even more now that the Food and Drug Administration has declared a new GM rice known as Huahui 1 to be safe, despite performing none of its own independent tests. The rice was developed by a research team from Huazhong […]
By Tracey Watson
BOMBSHELL: Proof GMOs cannot be contained — GM mosquitoes have successfully mated with wild mosquitoes, spreading GM traits
The scientific modification of plants and animals – and even humans – is often justified as being for the greater good. The long-term effects of such tinkering are often overlooked, however, and quite possibly pose serious and unexpected risks for humankind in the future. The most recent proof that the future effects of genetic modification […]
By Tracey Watson
Corn, the GM poster crop, will soon be nutritionally engineered to try to increase its value
If you were offered poison to eat, but were assured that scientists had added lots of beneficial vitamins and minerals to it, would you grab the opportunity to try some? Likely not, and yet that is what we as a society have been conditioned to do – just think of all those boxes of sugary […]
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