By David Williams
Researchers: Up to 40 percent of DNA results from consumer tests could be “bogus”
Consumer DNA testing became a mainstream thing a few years ago, and many people have done it ever since. Essentially, it lets people conduct do-it-yourself (DIY) genetic testing that will give them answers to some questions they might have, mostly pertaining to their ancestry, but also regarding any genetic diseases they might have so they […]
By Vicki Batts
Lancet study confirms: The “fatal breast cancer gene” is a myth; it does NOT affect a “significant difference” in survival rates
The cancer industry has been heavily scrutinized for shamelessly encouraging unwarranted treatments and other acts of medical lunacy, but this latest find regarding breast cancer genetics is sure to take the cake. As it turns out, the highly publicized, highly feared breast cancer genes (BRCA-1/2) are not actually a death sentence — despite mass campaigns […]
By Mike Adams
DARPA developing “genetic doomsday” weapon to exterminate populations on demand… GMOs to become WMDs
The U.S. military agency known as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is investing $100 million into so-called “genetic extinction technologies” that could be deployed to exterminate targeted human populations. Emails acquired under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), “suggest that the US’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has become the world’s largest […]
By Jayson Veley
Huge backlash against gene editing of human embryos as scientists decry ethical quagmire of “designer babies”
For several years now, there has been a vigorous and ongoing debate in this country regarding the ethics of gene editing on human embryos. While many people argue that the practice will lead to incredible advancements in technology and could even one day save lives, others decry gene editing as an immoral procedure that humans should […]
By Jayson Veley
DARPA unveils gene editing infrastructure to build genetically engineered “super soldiers”
In the Marvel comic books, Steve Rogers is a character that transforms from a rather weak and skinny man into a supersoldier with the help of gene editing technology. For decades since fans were officially introduced to Captain America in 1941, this fictional character has fascinated people throughout the country and across the world. Now, […]
By Mike Adams
Netflix begins SCIENCE PURGE to remove all genetics education from science videos in order to appease Left-wing “gender fluid” lunatics like Bill Nye
People laughed when I predicted in this Bill Nye story about how he thinks transgenderism is “evolution” that California would begin purging genetics education from its textbooks to appease the lunatic Left. Not even two weeks after my prediction, Netflix has already begun its Orwellian purge of science education from older videos, “stealth editing” genetics […]
By Mike Adams
Bill Nye goes FULL LUNATIC with vulgar transgender music video singing about “moist vagina” and how transgenderism is “evolution”
Bill Nye “the science guy” has just gone full lunatic with his new Netflix series that’s ridiculously entitled, “Bill Nye Saves the World.” Once claiming to believe in science, Bill Nye has gone all-in for the lunatic Left-wing anti-science narrative of transgenderism, which contradicts over a century of genetic science and has been dubbed the […]
By Mike Adams
If you believe in transgenderism (spontaneous genetic transmutation), you don’t believe in REAL SCIENCE at all
It’s beyond hilarious: Those marching for “science” in Washington are so steeped in the fake science of man-made climate change that they’ve now fallen for the wildly fake “science” of transgenderism. You can’t believe in biological transgenderism and science at the same time. The two ideas are mutually exclusive. (But that doesn’t stop Bill Nye […]
By Vicki Batts
Mad scientists create a chicken that has a dinosaur face in shocking new experiment
Could we soon be living in a world where Jurassic Park is a real thing? It appears scientists learned nothing from that rather foreboding film, as a team of researchers at Yale University have managed to create chickens with dinosaur-like snouts, in yet another instance of man playing God. Indeed, these scientists have created chickens that […]
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COVID vaccine mRNA crosses placenta in mice, exposing fetuses to vaccine-induced spike protein risks
February 22, 2025
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