Henry I. Miller
By Ethan Huff
Newsweek pushes Monsanto propagandist lies authored by scandal-ridden organic hater Henry I. Miller
Yet another mainstream news outlet, Newsweek, has decided to shamelessly spread fake news that bashes organics and promotes GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). And wouldn’t you guess it, but the stated author of this ridiculous hit piece is none other than Hoover Institution hack Henry I. Miller, who’s been caught on numerous occasions attaching his name to […]
By Robert Jonathan
Globalist propaganda rag NEWSWEEK runs Monsanto-style hit piece on organic food, authored by discredited propagandist Henry Miller
An anti-organic food, pro-GMO opinion piece in Newsweek allegedly has the Monsanto’s fingerprints on it. In the Op-Ed that accuses the organic food “campaign” of being a “deceitful, expensive scam,” the author, Dr. Henry I. Miller, claims that organic farming uses pesticides and that this form of agriculture is wasteful to farmland and water resources. Among other […]
By Mike Adams
Stanford University fellow Henry Miller exposed as academic prostitute for Monsanto who peddled fake editorials to Forbes.com
A long-time science propagandist for the GMO industry, Henry I. Miller has just been exposed as an academic prostitute for Monsanto. Named a “Robert Wesson Fellow” covering so-called “Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University,” Henry Miller has just been exposed as a science fraud and professional liar who shills […]
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