toxic food
By Mike Adams
Monsanto hit with $290 million cancer liability ruling in Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide trial
A San Francisco jury found Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) liable for the glyphosate-induced cancer of Dewayne Johnson, who is dying from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Johnson sprayed glyphosate 20-30 times per year on public school grounds (near children, no less), and he was twice “doused” with glyphosate due to malfunctioning equipment. Monsanto — which has been […]
By S.D. Wells
Dangerous gene-edited “Crispr” crops classified as GMO by EU – has all the U.S. biotech shills squirming like worms coated in pesticide
The GMO trolls at the New York Times are at it again, sowing “seeds of confusion” for the typical American consumer, who doesn’t even know what genetic engineering really means, much less gene editing “technology.” A recent European ruling has all the biotech shills throwing their usual temper tantrums, simply because gene editing has been […]
By S.D. Wells
New York Times now spreading GMO propaganda about “golden” rice, frost-tolerant spinach and climate change
Attention all humans living in a mind fog from consuming too many chemical pesticides, that all-too-familiar New York news rag “NYT” is still serving up brain-washing bunk about GMOs showing “no evidence of harm” to those who consume them. Monsanto “presstitute” Jane Brody keeps regurgitating the already-debunked lie that traditional crossbreeding of produce is the […]
By News Editors
Monsanto secret documents show massive attack on Seralini study
In secret internal Monsanto documents released on Tuesday 1st August 2017 by legal firms in the U.S. it was made clear how Monsanto successfully pressured Wallace Hayes, Editor of Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal to retract the famous Séralini study which discovered the damage caused by GM maize NK603 and low doses of Roundup herbicide. Article by the Admin […]
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